Couper Documentation



The configuration file allows the use of some predefined variables. There are two phases when those variables get evaluated. The first phase is at config load which is currently related to env and simple function usage. The second evaluation will happen during the request/response handling.

  • env are the environment variables.
  • request is the client request.
  • backend_requests contains all modified backend requests.
  • backend_responses contains all original backend responses.


versionstringCouper's version number."1.9.2"
environmentstringThe environment Couper currently runs in."prod"


Environment variables can be accessed everywhere within the configuration file since these references get evaluated at start.

You may provide default values by means of environment_variables in the defaults block:

// ...
   origin = env.ORIGIN
// ...
defaults {
  environment_variables = {
    ORIGIN = "http://localhost/"
    TIMEOUT = "3s"


idstringUnique request ID.
methodstringHTTP method."GET"
headers.<name>stringHTTP request header value for requested lower-case key.
cookies.<name>stringValue from Cookie request header for requested key (⚠ last wins!).
query.<name>list (string)Query parameter values.
path_params.<name>stringValue from a named path parameter defined within an endpoint path label.
bodystringRequest message body.
form_body.<name>list (string)Parameter in a application/x-www-form-urlencoded body.
json_bodyvariousAccess JSON decoded message body. Media type must be application/json or application/*+json.
context.granted_permissionslist (string)Permissions granted to the requester as yielded by access controls (see e.g. permissions_claim, roles_claim in the jwt block).["perm1", "perm2"]
context.required_permissionstringPermission required to perform the requested operation (value of the required_permission attribute of endpoint (or api) block).
context.<name>.<property_name>variousRequest context containing information from the access control.
urlstringRequest URL.""
originstringOrigin of the request URL.""
protocolstringRequest protocol."https"
hoststringHost of the request URL.""
portintegerPort of the request URL.443
pathstringRequest URL path."/path/to"

The value of context.<name> depends on the type of block referenced by <name>.

For a basic_auth block and successfully authenticated request the variable contains the user name.

For a jwt block the variable contains claims from the JWT used for access control.

For a saml block the variable contains

  • sub: The NameID of the SAML assertion.
  • exp: Optional expiration date (value of SessionNotOnOrAfter of the SAML assertion).
  • attributes: A map of attributes from the SAML assertion.

For an beta_oauth2 block, the variable contains the response from the token endpoint, e.g.

  • access_token: The access token retrieved from the token endpoint.
  • token_type: The token type.
  • expires_in: The token lifetime.
  • scope: The granted scope (if different from the requested scope).

and for an oidc block additionally:

  • id_token: The ID token.
  • id_token_claims: A map of claims from the ID token.
  • userinfo: A map of properties retrieved from the userinfo endpoint (if the recommended endpoint is available).


Only available in the beta_token_request block context, beta_token_response allows access to the current token response (see backend_responses for available properties).


backends.<label> allows access to backend information.

healthobjectThe current health state.{"error": "", "healthy": true, "state": "healthy"}
beta_tokens.<token_request_name>stringThe token obtained by the token request with name <token_request_name>.
beta_tokenstringThe token obtained by the token request with name "default", if configured.


Only available in the backend block context, backend allows access to the current backend information (see backends for available properties).


backend_request holds information about the current backend request. It is only available in a backend block, and has the same attributes as a backend request in backend_requests.<label> (see backend_requests below).


backend_requests is an object with all backend requests and their attributes. To access a specific request use the related label. request and proxy blocks without a label will be available as default. To access the HTTP method of the default request use backend_requests.default.method .

idstringUnique request ID.
methodstringHTTP method."GET"
headers.<name>stringHTTP request header value for requested lower-case key.
cookies.<name>stringValue from Cookie request header for requested key (⚠ last wins!).
query.<name>list (string)Query parameter values.
bodystringBackend request message body.
form_body.<name>list (string)Parameter in a application/x-www-form-urlencoded body.
json_bodyvariousAccess JSON decoded message body. Media type must be application/json or application/*+json.
context.<name>.<property_name>variousRequest context containing claims from JWT used for access control or information from a SAML assertion, <name> being the jwt block's or saml block's label and property_name being the claim's or assertion information's name.
urlstringBackend request URL.""
originstringOrigin of the backend request URL.""
protocolstringBackend request protocol."https"
hoststringHost of the backend request URL.""
portintegerPort of the backend request URL.443
pathstringBackend request URL path."/path/to"


backend_response represents the current backend response. It is only available in a backend block, and has the same attributes as a backend response in backend_responses.<label> (see backend_responses below).


backend_responses is an object with all backend responses and their attributes. Use the related label to access a specific response. request and proxy blocks without a label will be available as default. To access the HTTP status code of the default response use backend_responses.default.status .

statusintegerHTTP status code.200
headers.<name>stringHTTP response header value for requested lower-case key.
cookies.<name>stringValue from Set-Cookie response header for requested key (⚠ last wins!).
bodystringThe response message body.
json_bodyvariousAccess JSON decoded message body. Media type must be application/json or application/*+json.

Path Parameter

An endpoint label could be defined as endpoint "/app/{section}/{project}/view" { ... } to access the named path parameter section and project via request.path_params.*. The values would map as following for the request path: /app/nature/plant-a-tree/view:
