This functions can be used and combined as standalone call with all kind of hcl expressions. But some of them requires a definitions
Name | Type | Description | Arguments | Example |
base64_decode | string | Decodes Base64 data, as specified in RFC 4648. | encoded (string) | base64_decode("Zm9v") |
base64_encode | string | Encodes Base64 data, as specified in RFC 4648. | decoded (string) | base64_encode("foo") |
can | bool | Tries to evaluate the expression given in its first argument. | expression (expression) | { for k in ["not_there", "method", "path"] : k => request[k] if can(request[k]) } |
contains | bool | Determines whether a given list contains a given single value as one of its elements. | list (tuple or list), value (various) | contains([1,2,3], 2) |
default | string | Returns the first of the given arguments that is not null or an empty string. If no argument matches, the last argument is returned. | arg... (various) | default(, "bar") |
join | string | Concatenates together the string elements of one or more lists with a given separator. | sep (string), lists... (tuples or lists) | join("-", [0,1,2,3]) |
json_decode | various | Parses the given JSON string and, if it is valid, returns the value it represents. | encoded (string) | json_decode("{\"foo\": 1}") |
json_encode | string | Returns a JSON serialization of the given value. | val (various) | json_encode(request.context.myJWT) |
jwt_sign | string | Creates and signs a JSON Web Token (JWT) from information from a referenced JWT Signing Profile Block (or JWT Block with signing_ttl ) and additional claims provided as a function parameter. | label (string), claims (object) | jwt_sign("myJWT") |
keys | list | Takes a map and returns a sorted list of the map keys. | inputMap (object or map) | keys(request.headers) |
length | integer | Returns the number of elements in the given collection. | collection (tuple, list or map; no object) | length([0,1,2,3]) |
lookup | various | Performs a dynamic lookup into a map. The default (third argument) is returned if the key (second argument) is not found in the inputMap (first argument). | inputMap (object or map), key (string), default (various) | lookup({a = 1}, "b", "def") |
merge | object or tuple | Deep-merges two or more of either objects or tuples. null arguments are ignored. An attribute value with a different type than the current value is set as the new value. merge() with no parameters returns null . | arg... (object or tuple) | merge(request.headers, { x-additional = "myval" }) |
oauth2_authorization_url | string | Creates an OAuth2 authorization URL from a referenced OAuth2 AC (Beta) Block or OIDC Block. | label (string) | oauth2_authorization_url("myOAuth2") |
oauth2_verifier | string | Creates a cryptographically random key as specified in RFC 7636, applicable for all verifier methods; e.g. to be set as a cookie and read into verifier_value . Multiple calls of this function in the same client request context return the same value. | oauth2_verifier() | |
relative_url | string | Returns a relative URL by retaining path , query and fragment components. The input URL s must begin with /<path> , //<authority> , http:// or https:// , otherwise an error is thrown. | s (string) | relative_url("") // returns "/anything?query#fragment" |
saml_sso_url | string | Creates a SAML SingleSignOn URL (including the SAMLRequest parameter) from a referenced SAML Block. | label (string) | saml_sso_url("mySAML") |
set_intersection | list or tuple | Returns a new set containing the elements that exist in all of the given sets. | sets... (tuple or list) | set_intersection(["A", "B", "C"], ["B", D"]) |
split | tuple | Divides a given string by a given separator, returning a list of strings containing the characters between the separator sequences. | sep (string), str (string) | split(" ", "foo bar qux") |
substr | string | Extracts a sequence of characters from another string and creates a new string. The "offset " index may be negative, in which case it is relative to the end of the given string. The "length " may be -1 , in which case the remainder of the string after the given offset will be returned. | str (string), offset (integer), length (integer) | substr("abcdef", 3, -1) |
to_lower | string | Converts a given string to lowercase. | s (string) | to_lower( |
to_number | number | Converts its argument to a number value. Only numbers, null , and strings containing decimal representations of numbers can be converted to number. All other values will produce an error. | num (string or number) | to_number("1,23") , to_number(env.PI) |
to_upper | string | Converts a given string to uppercase. | s (string) | to_upper("CamelCase") |
trim | string | Removes any whitespace characters from the start and end of the given string. | str (string) | trim(" foo ") |
unixtime | integer | Retrieves the current UNIX timestamp in seconds. | unixtime() | |
url_decode | string | URL-decodes a given string according to RFC 3986. | s (string) | url_decode("abc%25%26%2C123") |
url_encode | string | URL-encodes a given string according to RFC 3986. | s (string) | url_encode("abc%&,123") |